“I’m Not Dead Yet!”

Well for those of you who think that I might fallen off the face of the Earth, I haven’t.  I just have two words……New House!  Yep.  Kim and I have finally moved into our new house and taken on a…. ummm…. few projects.  I have been busy painting, remodeling the kitchen and laying new flooring in the kid’s rooms.  What does this have to do with photography?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Just an excuse for not posting in awhile.  OK a really long while.

I do have some news on the photographic front though.  Next week I start my gig as the official photographer for the JDRF of Southern New Jersey.  I’m really excited about this.  I have been contracted to do all of their events for the next year.  This is really big for me.  My first year long contract.  It’s a great cause and I’m glad I can be a part of it.  Being diabetic myself it’s a cause that I can really relate to.  I’m also getting busy on the real estate front again.  I shot the most expensive property I’ve ever shot last Friday.  It’s a $25,500,000.00 estate with 4 buildings including it’s own clock tower, a twin guest house with 3 bedrooms each and sits on 15 acres of property.  I will post images in the next day or two.  In the meantime don’t forget to be great!